St Michael and All Angels Hartlip

St Michael & All Angels Church stands centrally in the picturesque village of Hartlip, with beautiful views of orchards. Adjacent is the popular
C of E Primary School (Endowed), established and maintained by the Mary Gibbon Trust from the 1600s. The school and church have enjoyed a closely knit relationship for centuries ever since. Many village homes still treasure Mary Gibbon Bibles presented to former pupils. The school's Worship takes place in the church every Friday during term-time, which is an open service to anyone who would like to attend and encourages parents and family members.
We are open every day for private prayer or quiet reflection and to light a candle.
St Michael and All Angels Pilgrim TrailWe have a leaflet available for you to move around the church on a 'pilgrim trail', giving historical information of our building with the opportunity to pause for prayer at each station
of the trail. We pray you may find it helpful on your journey of faith.
Alternatively you can click here to download the guide.
We warmly welcome you to our church family, whatever your preference in terms of worship styles. Our Sunday services encompass All–Age worship to a more traditional Communion service each month, details of which can be found on the Church Services page. Also we have our Church Calendar with dates of events for your diary.
Fancy a coffee and chat? Drop in on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 10.30 am - 12 pm for a warm welcome with refreshments.
Knit and Natter group are meeting every Wednesday evening in the church from 7 pm - 9 pm. Do come along for a chat. Refreshments are provided.
Hartlip Pilgrims
Have been meeting together in friendship and fellowship on Wednesday evenings 7.30 pm via 'Zoom' which has enable us to see each other on-line. We've studied various topics in the Bible in a light-hearted way. The next course will be studying Advent at the beginning of December. If you would like to join us please contact George Hulme on 01634 374136.
Some of our popular events.
Our regular events consist of 'Heart of the matter' debates on topical issues, a popular Hymns Merry and Sherry, our famous Sunday afternoon teas, PIMMs evenings and our September Serenade musical evenings.
The Churchwardens: David Berry 0778 884 6543 or Jane Davies 01795 843044. Please do contact them for information regarding our church.
For Christenings, Thanksgivings, Weddings, Marriage Blessings and Funerals,
please contact Rev Julian Staniforth on 01795 227329.